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Privacy Policy

We collect your personal data using this online application platform to enable quality recruitment and selection processes. These are the data that, in the context of your application, have either been made available to us by You (e.g. through your curriculum vitae) or we have collected them through other channels (e.g. social media, references). If you wish, we can specify these other sources.

This processing is necessary in the legitimate interest of our company. After all, we wish to recruit the best candidate. With this information we can identify you directly or indirectly. Examples are: first name, surname, address, cell phone number, email address, hobbies, interests, date of birth, ...

As of May 25, 2018, a new European legislation is in effect, called the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This obliges companies to handle personal data very carefully by taking appropriate technical and operational measures. The information entrusted to us must be protected against hacking, loss, careless modification or unavailability.

In the context of your application, we inform you that this personal data is processed in accordance with GDPR law and your rights are safeguarded.  For this purpose we have taken the appropriate operational and technical measures.

In no uncertain terms, we point out your rights:

  • Should you be hired, we will store the personal data processed in the context of this candidature in your personnel file. The preservation of the personnel file is regulated in the "company regulations concerning the protection of the personal data of our employees". You will be provided with these regulations at the time of recruitment.

  • If You are not retained, we will retain the personal data processed in connection with this candidature for 12 months after we have notified You that You are not retained. After this period:

    • Either all of your processed personal data will be destroyed or

    • we contact you to ask whether we can continue to process your personal data for an additional period of 12 months.

  • Both during the selection procedure and up to the moment of the destruction of the personal data, you have the right to consult the personal data processed, to ask for a copy, to have your personal data corrected, completed or destroyed. During this same period you can also object or demand a limited processing of the personal data.

  • You can only exercise these rights by making a written request by letter to the address Muizelstraat 12, 8560 Moorsele or by e-mail to the address: info@boplan.be.

  • The request must always be accompanied by a document that proves that the identity of the applicant corresponds to your identity (for example, by a copy of your identity card). If we consider that the document supplied is insufficient proof, we will inform you and reserve the right not to accede to your request until you can provide sufficient proof.

  • Should you have any further questions regarding this matter in the future, you can always contact HR

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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